Outreach Ministries
Welcome Wagon
The friendly group on the Welcome Wagon Committee reaches out to new arrivals in our parish. They help register newcomers and help to introduce others in the parish. They help to find everyone’s comfortable presence in sharing time and talent.

Christian Service
The Christian Service takes care of the needs of many throughout the year with a collection of food provided to families in Fulton County for Christmas Cheer. At Christmas time, the “Angel Tree” Program provides for special needs at St. Vincent de Paul in Fayette. This committee also collects donations to the FISH Pantry throughout the year.

Funeral Buffet
Ministry to those in grief is an important Christian value. St. Peter’s offers a luncheon after funerals of all parishioners. There is always a need for those who are willing to make salads and/or desserts for these luncheons. There is also a need for any who wish to prepare and serve foods and clean up.

FISH Pantry
The St. Peter Family is responsible for stocking the FISH Pantry to help serve those less fortunate in the month of November. Throughout the year there is a collection box in the foyer for additional non-perishable items. Please consider sharing your time to help this special service ministry.

Knights of Columbus
Becoming a Knight can transform your life. As a Knight, you have the opportunity to support your parish, give back to your community, and most importantly grow in your faith. St. Peter Parish has a council that meets once a week and provides many services to the parish throughout the year. If you have been interested in expanding upon your Catholic faith and are looking for a social connection, then the time to act is now!

Communion to the Sick and Homebound
The Eucharist is the most important gift the parish can bring to those who are sick or unable to come to Mass. Family members are welcome to contact the parish office about bringing Communion to relatives. Parishioners who are Eucharistic Ministers are invited to join in this ministry to others in need. Communion may be brought after Sunday Mass, on First Fridays, or anytime.

Bereavement Committee
The bereavement period is a very stressful time and grief is exhausting and very hard work. We are called to be “Eucharist” to the bereaved and the volunteers for this outreach are trained in how to be ministers to the bereaved. The volunteers have initial contact from the very beginning and often attend the wake, help Father Stanbery lead the rosary and attend the funeral. Most importantly the volunteer keeps in contact with the family members throughout the year for support and prayers. In November every year they help plan a Bereavement Mass to celebrate the lives of those who have passed away during the previous year.

Young Adult Outreach
Young adults are persons in their late teens, twenties, and thirties who represent diverse cultural, racial, ethnic, educational, vocational, social, political, and spiritual backgrounds. They are college students, workers, and professionals; they are persons in military service; they are single, married, divorced, or widowed; they are with or without children; they are newcomers in search of a better life. In ministry and catechesis with young adults, several important themes need to be emphasized: the formation of conscience, education for love, vocational discernment, Christian involvement in society, missionary responsibility in the world, the relationship between faith and reason, the existence and meaning of God, the problem of evil, the Church, the objective moral order in relation to personal subjectivity, the relationship between man and woman, and the social doctrine of the Church. The goals of this outreach is to connect young adults with Jesus Christ through spiritual formation/direction, religious education/formation, and vocational discernment. This program connects young adults to the Church through evangelizing outreach, formation of the faith community, and pastoral care. It connects young adults with the mission of the Church in the world through forming a Christian conscience, educating and developing leaders for the present and future.

Prayer Shawl Ministry
The Prayer Shawl Committee meets to crochet, knit, quilt, or craft fleece prayer shawls and lap robes. They donate the completed items, after having them blessed by our Priest, to those who are sick, in nursing homes, or grieving. If you’re able to drop off donations for the group or are interested in joining wherever your skill level may be please know you are welcome!