Liturgy Ministries

At St. Peter, there are many opportunities to share your time and talents during our liturgies. A short description of each Liturgy Ministry can be found here.

Altar Servers

All children after making their First Holy Communion through High School age are invited and encouraged to serve at the Lord’s Table by assisting the priest at the weekend Masses. This is an excellent opportunity to serve God by being an active participant in our worship community. Training is provided.

Altar Rosary Society

Women of the parish come together for spiritual development and social activities. Proceeds from events assist in supplying the church with altar linens, funeral supplies and the bread, wine and candles used for liturgy.


The Decorator Committee is a group of parishioners who volunteer their time to adorn and prepare the sacred space of St. Peter for the changing of the church’s calendar. Throughout the Liturgical year, they come together to enhance our surroundings for the seasons such as Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, or any other special feast of the church. This does not require any special talents other than a willingness to serve.

Children's Liturgy of the Word

Children’s Liturgy of the Word is an age-appropriate Liturgy of the Word offered for ages 3 through 1st graders at the 10:30 AM Mass. No pre-registration is necessary. All children are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Just before the Liturgy of the Word begins for the assembly, these children are invited to go with the weekly leaders from the church to the Activity Hall. During this special time, the volunteer teacher leads the children through prayers, activities and readings that are simplified for children.

The children learn about the same Scripture readings as the rest of the assembly. They are taught a simplified main message of the readings and are encouraged to share that message with their parents after Mass.

Volunteers are needed to teach the lessons each week, as well as to assist with the supervision of the children. This is a great opportunity for adults and high school youth to help these eager youngsters learn the Word of the Lord.


Ushers and Greeters are called to be Ministers of Hospitality and they are closely connected. They are entrusted with promoting a sense of welcoming and belonging to all the faithful assembled for worship.

Collection Counters

Teams of parishioners count the offering on Sunday mornings after the 10:30 AM Mass. Anyone interested in joining this service to the parish is asked to contact the parish office.

Eucharistic Distributors

Eucharist Ministers assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at weekend liturgies. Training sessions are held as needed.


These Readers of God’s Word proclaim the Scriptures and are scheduled for various Masses on a rotating basis. Those who have been gifted with good voices and presence are invited to share their gift with the parish.


Teams of ushers offer hospitality, assistance, and taking the collection of the offering at weekend liturgies. Women are welcome to join in the ministry of ushering at Mass.

Rosary Leaders

Rosary Leaders promote the Faith, and encourage prayer, especially Our Lady’s Rosary, heeding Our Lady’s call to pray the Rosary for the world. Our Lady says…Pray! Pray! Pray! “…renew prayer, until prayer becomes a joy for you.” To become a Rosary Leader the only requirement is a love of the Rosary and a desire to lead. Rosaries are prayed at 10 AM before Mass. Come early and pray with us! If you would like to learn more about praying the Rosary, then find one of our leaders at Mass. They will love to answer any questions you have. See Rosary Guide here.


Sacristans assist “behind the scenes” with the preparation and celebration of the Mass. They are generally in charge of facilities, environment, volunteers and items used in the Mass.