Children’s Programs
St. Peter Parish is proud to offer many unique faith formation opportunities for children, at many different times throughout the year. These are in addition to the regular Wednesday Night Religious Education Program. You may read about them below, and contact Deb Herring, Director of Religious Education, if you have any additional questions, or if you’d like to get involved as a volunteer for any of our programs.
Train the young in the way they should go; even when old, they will not swerve from it. (Proverbs 22:6)

Children's Liturgy of the Word
Children’s Liturgy of the Word is an age-appropriate Liturgy of the Word offered for ages 3 through 1st graders at the 10:30 AM Mass. No pre-registration is necessary. All children are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Just before the Liturgy of the Word begins for the assembly, these children are invited to go with the weekly leaders from the church to the Activity Hall. During this special time, the volunteer teacher leads the children through prayers, activities and readings that are simplified for children.
The children learn about the same Scripture readings as the rest of the assembly. They are taught a simplified main message of the readings and are encouraged to share that message with their parents after Mass.
Volunteers are needed to teach the lessons each week, as well as to assist with the supervision of the children. This is a great opportunity for adults and high school youth to help these eager youngsters learn the Word of the Lord. If you would like to help continue this ministry, please contact Deb.

Catholic Heart Work Camp
Catholic HEART Workcamp is about service, connection, and loving others. The mission trip is open to youth group members and provides opportunities to restore homes, and hearts, feed the hungry, lift the spirits of children, and bring joy to the elderly and disabled. The aim is to provide nothing short of amazing Catholic Mission Trips! Each Workcamp is equipped with a summer staff, director, manager, musician, nurse and priests to celebrate mass/confession. It is a youth friendly Christ centered Week of caring for others. Catholic HEART Workcamp faithfully and enthusiastically serves the Roman Catholic Church and its teachings and is an excellent opportunity to “love the least of these”. The Mission Trip is open to all Youth Group Members.

Altar Servers
All children after making their First Holy Communion through High School age are invited and encouraged to serve at the Lord’s Table by assisting the priest at the weekend Masses. This is an excellent opportunity to serve God by being an active participant in our worship community. Training is provided.