Sacrament of Marriage
Marriage is an intimate relationship of life and love. In order to assist you effectively and fulfill our pastoral responsibility towards you, time must be made to consider certain convictions. Values need to be clarified before couples may enter into marriage within the Catholic Church. As a faith community we have strong uncompromising commitment to permanence in marriage, total giving of self to the other, exclusive fidelity and openness to life.
There is surely an obvious need for Church involvement in marriage preparation with engaged couples to provide both spiritual and human enrichment. Out of this need Bishops of the Catholic Church have established policies for Pastoral Marriage Preparation. Engaged couples are required to receive a sacramental preparation comprising both formational and instructional sessions.
Ideally, programs of pastoral preparation should begin at least one year before the marriage date. Formational meetings are held with a priest or deacon. These sessions should help build the couple relationship, establish a relationship with the priest or deacon, and ensure that the couple intends what the Catholic church intends by the Sacrament of Marriage, so that the grace of the sacrament may bear fruit in the new life which begins on your wedding day.
If you are visiting this area, it means you are planning your wedding! Congratulations! We understand that this is a very exciting, busy, (and sometimes stressful) time. We are here to help. Following is information about our parish wedding procedures, as well as help in planning your liturgy and music. We invite you to acquaint yourself thoroughly with the materials and guidelines presented here. They have been prepared with an eye toward making your wedding day both beautiful and memorable, and we hope you will find them most helpful in that regard.
Get Started
The first thing you’ll want to do before planning your ceremony is to schedule the date and time of your wedding with our Pastor, Father Stephen Stanbery. He can be reached by calling 419-446-9288. Initial arrangements are to be made 6 months prior to the actual wedding day. The Diocese has set this policy to allow sufficient time for the couple to make adequate preparation to receive the sacrament. After you schedule your wedding date, you will have private, follow-up meetings with our Pastor to discuss premarital preparation classes and wedding planning.
St. Peter Wedding Guidelines
Once you have scheduled your wedding date at St. Peter, it is time to start planning the details of your wedding liturgy. We have designed our Wedding Policies and Guidelines to help you in your wedding planning.
Plan Your Wedding Liturgy
You probably already have a lot of ideas about the kind of wedding liturgy you would like to have. One of the first things to consider is whether you will have a Full Mass (with communion) or a Liturgy of the Word Ceremony (without communion). Our Pastor will help you determine which option is best for your circumstances, and he will also assist you in planning many of the other details for your ceremony.
Dear Lord, help me to find someone I can truly love who will love me as well. Someone with whom I can gladly share my thoughts, my feelings, indeed my life! Someone with whom I may raise a family in accordance with your will to share your love and give you Glory. May he [or she] be a vessel of joy in good times and a firm pillar of prudent support in bad. Let neither of us forget that you are there to help us in all cases with your help, guidance, and grace. Let me be discerning and not seek someone solely out of loneliness, but out of love for you and my potential spouse. May this be someone I like as well as love, and may we share a deep bond of trust in each other throughout our married lives, until death do us part. Don’t let carnal or other purely worldly desires cloud my judgment about getting married. Help me to listen to the voice of your Holy Spirit instead in this important matter. Heavenly Father, I ask all these things through Christ our Lord. Amen
Adapted from Tobit 8:5-7
Blessed are you, O God of our ancestors, and blessed too is your name forever. Let the heavens bless you for evermore and all the things you have made. It was you who created Adam, you who created Eve his wife to be his help and support; and from these two the human race was born. It was you who said, “It is not good for the man to be alone; let us make him a partner like himself.”
I take N. in sincerity of heart. Have mercy on her and on me and allow us to live together to a happy old age.
Adapted from Psalm 16
Keep me, O God, for in you I take refuge; I say to the Lord, “My God are you. Apart from you I have no good.” I bless the Lord who counsels me; even in the night my heart exhorts me. I set the Lord ever before me; with him at my right hand I shall not be disturbed. Therefore my heart is glad and my soul rejoices, my body abides in confidence.
You, O Lord, will show me the path to life, fullness of joys in your presence, the delights at your right hand forever.
O God, we thank you that you have given us another year of life together. We thank you for the love which grows more precious and for the bonds which grow more close each day. We thank you for the happiness we have known together; for the sorrows we have faced together; for all the experiences of sunshine and of shadow through which we have come, up to today.
We ask for forgiveness for any failure on our part; for any times when we became difficult to live with; for any lack of sympathy and understanding; for anything which spoiled even for a moment the perfect relationship which marriage should be. Spare us to each other to go on walking the way of life together, and grant that for us it may be true that the best is yet to be: through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Dear Lord, in this time of great trial in our marriage, let my husband/wife and I not succumb to those forces that would weaken or perhaps even break our bond of love in Holy Matrimony, and our vows to You and each other as well. In this troubled time, let us not forget our vows to be there for each other for worse, as well as better; and in sickness, as well as in health. Be a friend and confidant to keep us attuned to Your wishes and desires for us. Keep me and my spouse from nourishing grudges over disagreements, or becoming irritable with each other in our stressful situation. Help us to remember St. Paul’s important advice in his letter to the Ephesians not to let the sun go down with us angry at each other. Through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Dear Lord, let me put on your armor and your shield against the temptations to cheat on my spouse. Even just one such dalliance, however innocuous or justified it may seem, is like a dagger thrust straight into the heart of my marriage and family. Let me be conscious not only of its grave sin as a violation of your law of love, but also of the guilt and shame it entails as well. Let me not risk destroying my spouse’s trust in me, ripping apart my family, and possibly losing You forever from mortal sin. Give me strength and wisdom to turn away from evil inclinations against marital fidelity immediately when temptation strikes. Let me have the good sense not to put myself in harm’s way through occasions of sin. Blessed Mother Mary, I ask for your help and grace in these matters as well, in the name of Your Beloved Son, Christ our Lord. Amen.
Dear Lord, give me the strength and sense to keep from visiting internet sites or otherwise looking at salacious materials that will only entice me further into a slime pit of sin and shame. Let me remember that such sites and magazines, however appealing at first, can become dangerously addictive with images that cloud my mind and turn me away from the true value of sexuality in loving my spouse. Shield me from wishing to partake of the poison of pornography, whether soft or hard, remembering that however sweet it may taste at first, it can all too quickly turn quite bitter, leaving me obsessing over base desires and my spouse feeling threatened and abandoned. Blessed Mother Mary, I ask for your help and grace in these matters as well, in the name of Your Beloved Son, Christ our Lord. Amen.
O Lord of mercy, I pray that you will keep in your care the soul of [name] who was my soul mate, companion and dearest friend in this life.
Grant my beloved your assurance of final salvation in the company of the saints.
May [he/she] join with your choir of heavenly hosts in worship and praise of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
You dear Lord, brought us together in the Sacrament of Marriage. May the love that we shared on earth find its ultimate meaning in the joy of heaven and our reunion with you. Amen.
How Should We Prepare?
There are no two persons who would be more conscious of the need of forgiveness and reconciliation than a couple preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage. For this reason we encourage reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation as part of your marriage preparation to benefit more fully from the grace of the Sacrament of Marriage.
When and Where Is the Ceremony?
Dates and hours are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. Time is allocated to provide dignity and reverence, and to avoid congestion and conflict with other parish ceremonies. Kindly consult the parish priest. The wedding ceremony is to be held in the parish church or at the place of worship of another faith community as the case may be. Permission is not granted for garden weddings, ceremonies in parks or other outdoor settings.
Do we need a full Mass ceremony?
While couples are encouraged to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage within a Mass, it is also possible to have a ceremony outside of Mass. This is a decision best reached in consultation with the priest/deacon who is preparing you for marriage.
What if I’m late?
Your punctuality is more than a matter of courtesy to your guests, attendants and the clergy you have asked to officiate. It is a necessity out of consideration for others. Please understand that the priest or deacon witnessing your vows may be forced to tailor your ceremony to accommodate your lateness with other scheduled ceremonies that same day. Rehearsals are, likewise, fitted into a time schedule that includes commitments before and after your own.
Ecumenical and inter-religious Marriages
An ecumenical wedding joins in marriage two baptized members of different Christian churches. An inter-religious marriage involves a baptized Christian and a non-Christian believer.
We encourage ecumenical and inter-religious couples to confer with the clergy of both faith communities. In every way, the integrity of both individual’s faith convictions should be respected.
Provision can be made for a Catholic to be married before clergy of another faith community. Clergy of other churches and synagogues are always welcome to participate in ecumenical weddings.
Any decisions in this regard should always be discussed with the parish priest early in your preparations.
What if I have a relative or friend who is an officiant?
Your relatives and friends who are Catholic priests or deacons are always welcome to officiate at your wedding. Please let the priest of our parish know about this decision as soon as it is definite.
It is advisable that the guest priest or deacons conduct his own rehearsal. Please confirm this with the parish.
What if I have relatives or friends who are Altar Servers?
If you have relatives or friends who are altar servers at their home parish and would like to serve, please advise the officiating priest.
What music can be played at my wedding?
Please consult with the Priest presiding at your wedding.
What are the guidelines for flowers at my wedding?
We rely upon your good judgment in arranging for flowers and/or ferns. Please consider the necessity of mobility on the part of the members of the bridal party. In any event your florist should consult with the priest concerning the decoration of the church.
Can I have a photographer at my wedding?
Please consult with the Priest presiding at your wedding.
Do I need a Civil License to be married in the Church?
You need to apply for a marriage license and present it to the Priest, if possible one or two days before your wedding.
What about donations?
Speak to the Priest presiding your wedding.
What is the Pre-marital Check List?
Contact the parish Priest.